Adding Extra Control Panel Users

You can give a friend or server admin access to manage your server through the Multicraft control panel. However, instead of giving your own Multicraft login information (username and password), you can give them access through their own user accounts.


Important Reminder: Never share your own Multicraft username and password to anyone. This puts your server at risk of possible damages if someone else gains control of your entire server.

If the user you would like to add does not have a Multicraft account with us, you first need to request a panel account to be created for them. Create a ticket with the email of the additional user and we will generate a new Multicraft panel account for you. When the panel account is created, you can then follow the steps provided below.


If the user already has a Multicraft account with us, you can then follow these instructions:

  1. On your Multicraft control panel, navigate to Advanced > Users
  2. Enter the email of the user in the text box under Username and press enter on your keyboard
  3. Once you have located the email, you can then set the FTP Access permission and Role of the user. Any changes to the options on this page will take effect immediately. For more information on the different roles and their permissions, see below.

Once you have assigned the appropriate role to the user, they will be able to login to the Multicraft panel and manage your server based on the permissions you have granted them. You can also change the permissions anytime through this page on your server panel.



Multicraft User Roles

Note: These roles are for the purpose of giving access to manage a server through the Multicraft panel. This is NOT the same and will not give permissions in-game.

Unassigned/No Access (default)

  • Cannot view or access anything


  • View server status (online/offline)
  • View number of players online


  • Use in-panel server chat
  • View server address, status and banner
  • See a list of connected players


  • View but cannot use the server console
  • View server backups
  • View or manage server files via FTP depending on the FTP permission assigned

Super Moderator

  • Start, stop and restart the server
  • View and send commands on the server console
  • Manage players
  • View and create server backups


  • Fully manage and configure the server
  • Give access to additional users. Can assign any role up to Super Moderator, inclusive


  • Give Administrator role to users
  • Grant and/or revoke FTP access


  • Give Co-Owner role to a user



FTP Access Options

  • No Access - User cannot view any server files and cannot log into the built-in FTP file manager or any FTP client
  • Read Only - User can view all server files and folders but cannot create, move, rename, modify, delete, upload or edit any files.
  • Full Access - User can view and perform any and all actions in your entire server directory.
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