Common Errors

Common errors or problems:


This error indicates that your server has run out of RAM space, which can signify an issue with your server, a plugin using too many resources, or too many plugins are running. This error is easily solved by upgrading the amount of RAM available under 'My Services » Upgrade'

'Failed to check session lock, aborting'

Occasionally your server might not start and appear as if it is crashing with this error.

To fix this error:

  1. Stop your server.
  2. Access your main world's folder through FTP
  3. Delete the session.lock file.
  4. Start your server.

"IllegalArgumentException: Too big view radius"

This error means that you set your view distance above 15 which is Minecraft's max. 
To fix this error:

  1. Go to Multicraft » Files » Config Files »
  2. Set view distance below 15 and save
  3. Restart the server

Plugin Issues:

If you are having an issue with a plugin not starting or showing up, restart the server and look for any error messages that are shown in the console. Additionally, try reuploading the plugin to the server. 

A helpful tool to parse yml files can be found here.
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